June 1999

So Jason brought a Wired article to my attention. It’s entitled Founder and CEO, Age 15 — Cool. His comment to me was, “you’re old.” Jason was referring, of course, to the fact that I’m already nineteen, while most of the kids making headlines these days for their web development accomplishments are not yet old enough to see R-rated movies. Is that bizarre or what? On page three of the Wired article, they make reference to Justin Frankel, the founder of Nullsoft. He’s worth about $400 million, and he can’t gamble away even a cent of it in Vegas.

Meanwhile, the PureRadio kid will have to take his mom with him (or sneak into the theater) if he wants to see the South Park movie. It’s true that I’m too old now to be one of those whiz-kids who gets on the cover of Forbes. But the nice thing is, I’m still young enough to always make more money than my peers…

Most people my age are in college, and when they get out, they’ll be entry-level and I’ll be management (my official title right now is “lead web developer” …I’m one step away from hiring people to do my job for me). Three years from now they’ll be making half of what I’m making now, and in three years I’ll be making double what I’m making now. They’ll never be able to catch up, even with their fancy-shmancy diplomas. They’ll be submitting their resumes to me… the “drop-out.”

I’ll prob’ly turn them down and hire a teenager.

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