You know how people say that when you go onstage, it’s a lot easier if you imagine that the entire audience is naked? Well, that’s kind of how I feel about life.
You know how people say that when you go onstage, it’s a lot easier if you imagine that the entire audience is naked? Well, that’s kind of how I feel about life.
I auditioned for Pirates of Penzance last Monday, and they asked me to learn two verses of “Modern Major-General” for the callbacks this coming Monday.
That’s fine and all, except that I really don’t want the part. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great part, but my friend T.J. is also called back for it, and he’s perfect for it. I really want him to get it, not me, and I’m sure he will. So it seems like kind of a waste of time for me to learn this ridiculously wordy song for the callbacks.
Oh well. I guess it’ll give me a little something extra to do for the auditors, so they’ll see more of me. And that’s always a good thing.