It’s a Friday night and I’m home alone with nothing to do.

So… inspired by Traci, because I was bored but wanted to get out of the house, I randomly drove up PCH to Huntington Harbor, and then I drove back on MacFadden. It was aimless. Then I decided to go looking for treasures at TJ Maxx & More here in Costa Mesa, so I spent about an hour browsing there. The clothing there isn’t very exciting, but they have a huge section of “Home Fashion” which is a bunch of large, gawdy, tacky knick-knacks, like ship helms, cow figurines, frog statues, boxes that look like books, African masks, etc. It would be a fun place to get a really useless gift.

Then I went home, and Traci called, and we talked for a few minutes. And then Stephanie, finally back from visiting her sugar-daddy– er, I mean, her friend– in Venice, came over and we went to Regatta for dinner. My friend Amy Rose (who’s in Pirates with me) was working, and it was fun talking to her and watching her sing.

After that Steph and I were supposed to go to Ruby’s to visit Amie and get dessert, but Steph decided she had too much homework to do, so she went straight home.

So now I’m home alone again, but Amie gets off work at 11pm and then she and I are planning to go cause mischief in West Orange County. We bought a rosary-shaped air freshener the other night (it’s seriously an air freshener cross on a string of air freshener beads), and we’re going to go hang it in Jonathan’s car.


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