July 2002

You know what’s a fun car to customize? The MINI Cooper.

If you go to their web site, you can choose different tops, different wheel colors, a navigation system, a continuously-variable transmission (for which I lust), and tons of other cool stuff.

And the best part is, the suggested retail price is actually really affordable! It starts at $16,300, and I built a fully-loaded one for only $21,250. Unfortunately, since it’s still really new, the dealers are still putting premiums on the price, so you won’t find it that low until this winter at the earliest. Otherwise I’d recommend it to Traci.

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I’m getting a new digital camera that’s about the size of a pack of cigarettes. Unfortunately that means that when I carry it around in my pocket, people will think I’ve taken up smoking.

Or perhaps I’m really not getting a digital camera the size of a pack of cigarettes; perhaps I’m really taking up smoking, and I just want you to think that it’s a digital camera.

Ooh… the mystery…

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