It’s time for my 45,000 mile scheduled maintenance, which is basically an oil change.
When I bought my car from McKenna Volkswagen in Huntington Beach, I purchased a Scheduled Maintenance Package, which was supposed to cover all scheduled maintenance up to 65,000 miles. This cost several hundred dollars; it was not a free incentive or anything. I paid for it. In advance.
I called to schedule an appointment. I explained to Jon that I have a pre-paid Scheduled Maintenance Package, and I wanted to make sure the 45,000 mile scheduled maintenance was covered by it. He told me that “it doesn’t cover maintenance.” I gave up on Jon immediately.
I called again and spoke to Chip. I explained to Chip what had happened with Jon, and Chip said, “There’s no such thing as a Scheduled Maintenance Package. Do you have some kind of paperwork for this?”
I said, “Yes, it says Scheduled Maintenance Package. Four years. Service must be performed at McKenna Volkswagen.”
Chip responded, “Are you sure you bought it from us?” Needless to say, I gave up on Chip as well.
Now I’m going to have to bring all of my receipts with me to the dealership and prove to them that I paid for a Scheduled Maintenance Package from McKenna Volkswagen. This wouldn’t be quite so annoying except that I’ve done it three times already, at 30, 35, and 40,000 miles.
Well, Thank God you posted this. I was going to start my Dealer to Dealer romp tommorrow fpr a new Jetta.
I guess I’ll pass up McKenna