Juggling has been rather successful.

Monday after work I went over to 820, but Matt was the only one home, and he was boring. He’s been playing his Star Wars game non-stop lately.

So I left and joined the SoCo group at the Mission mall. We had dinner at PF Chang’s, and then we chilled on some big chairs and couches at the mall until after it closed. Then we went back to Mike’s, and when his dad kicked us all out, I went back to 820 to join Matt, Danny, and Chelsey. We just hung out and watched Matt play his game, but it was fun because I got to massage Chelsey’s calves.

Yesterday after work I went to 840 for French Dip Night. John, Carrie, Matt, Chelsey, and Bennett were all there. It was nice to see Bennett again. Everyone enjoyed their French Dips (except Bennett, who is a vegetarian and therefore had grilled cheese instead), and I ended up leaving John’s around 8pm.

Next I went over to Jerry’s Famous Deli in Costa Mesa, where Amanda and Amanda had just been seated. Then Mike, his boyfriend KC, my darling Val, and her sister Vanessa joined us, and we moved to a bigger table and had a delightful time. After that, we went back to the Dolans’ house in Coto, and we played a little Apples to Apples before giving up around 12:30am and all going home.

Amanda surreptitiously hid Val’s hat in my car so that I’d find it this morning and therefore be forced to see her sometime today.

So today… My boss took the day off, which means I can goof off this afternoon. The SoCo group wants to go to Disneyland around lunchtime, so I’ll prob’ly join them. I’ll either get a new pass or get Marcus to sign me in. And then after that, I’m going to watch Survivor in Orange (at John and Danny’s parents’ house). Once again I’ll successfully be able to hang out with both groups.

Of course, at some point, I should really pack. I have to be at my parents’ house at 7:30am tomorrow to leave for Canada.

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