It’s hard adjusting to the lack of food delivery here in Southern California. I was used to having lunch delivered very often from Say Cheese, Hale & Hearty, and other great little cafes. Now I have to go pick it up myself if I want something that’s not at home. And that means actually getting in the car and driving somewhere, since there’s also nothing in walking distance. The relative inconvenience is assuaged, though, by the availability of cream cheese wontons–which didn’t exist east of the Mississippi.

I got a new car! It’s small, round, and blue, so I named it Stitch. Note the antenna ball.
I thought my friend Stephanie was understudying Ophelia in Hamlet, and I wasn’t looking forward to sitting through Hamlet, but I just realized she’s actually understudying Olivia in Twelfth Night, and that sounds much better to me.
Ash and I are moving back to California in just one week! Technically she’s going on tour for a few months, while I’m moving (with our dog and our belongings) back to California. We’re almost done packing, but it’s difficult because we have to separate everything into three categories: things we need to bring with us, things we want to ship because we don’t trust the movers, and everything else. It’s odd watching our apartment go from being a home back into being a stale room full of boxes.