Sure enough, although it was, at its height, 63 degrees yesterday afternoon, today it’s snowing profusely.

It’s a very pretty snowstorm though, provided you’re looking at it through a window instead of standing in it. No snowstorm is pretty when you’re standing in it. It’s difficult to notice beauty when you’re being pelted in the eyes with it.

It’s currently 63 degrees outside, which is phenomenally warm for winter in New York.

I was able to sit outside at Starbucks today and enjoy the nice weather, and I’m really glad I did since this is apparently the warmest high temperature we’re going to get–by about 20 degrees–for the rest of the month. It’ll go back to being in the 40’s (with lows in the 20’s) by tomorrow.

Oh well. It was nice to have a preview of spring to remind me that it can actually be pleasant here.

2:51 pm , Comments Off on Spring? No, Still Winter

Chelsey and I happened to stop by the Loews State movie theater (inside the Virgin Megastore in Times Square) last night, and we discovered that it has an ongoing Times Square Centennial Film Festival on Monday nights.

Tonight they’re showing Fame and Midnight Cowboy. And as an added bonus, you can “come in costume or in drag and get free admission!” How sweet is that?

10:43 am Comments Off on Times Square Centennial Film Festival

There’s a very large building across the street, two blocks up, with scaffolding all over its facade. Quite often when I glance out the window, I see a large bucket floating upward in front of the building. I can’t see any wires or cables from here, so it just seems to levitate. I like it.

10:29 am Comments Off on Floating Buckets

To be honest, I’m pretty sure Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper tastes exactly like normal Dr. Pepper. Actually, I think I taste a hint of the cherry flavor. But really it tastes overwhelmingly similar to Dr. Pepper. I’m not impressed, but also not surprised.

10:05 am Reviews Comments Off on Still Just What the Doctor Ordered

I was just thinking: Since “stewardesses” is the longest word that can be typed (using the standard touch-type method) using only the left hand, there should really be more stewardess-themed porn sites on the internet.

2:38 pm Comments Off on Stewardesses

My cousin Danielle went to see The Gates a couple weeks ago, and she later confided, “I’m glad I saw them because they’re such a big deal, but to be honest I really don’t get it!”

I’m glad she said that because she’s my cousin and it’s good for me to get along with her. See, I decided I only get along with people who don’t get them. Those people who say, “Oh, they’re beautiful, this art is so amazing,” are not people I can communicate with very well. They’re like people who’ve never seen Star Wars; we have little common ground.

I think only real New Yorkers think they’re beautiful. And that’s prob’ly because it’s been a long time since they’ve seen, for instance, a bright orange sunset, which–on the scale of beauty of bright orange things–is a lot higher than bright orange fabric on bright orange steel.

Oh, sorry, I meant saffron, not orange.

12:01 pm Reviews Comments Off on Dismantling the Gates

While walking down Third Avenue, I picked up a menu from a Mexican restaurant called Samalita’s of California. I was all excited. Could it really be just like the Mexican restaurants back home?

First thing I always look for is the chicken quesadilla because it’s my favorite. They had two quesadillas on the menu:

Corn Tortillas with Monterey Jack Cheese
Original Cheese – $4.75
Picadillo or Chorizo con Papas – $5.25

What the fuck? They don’t have a chicken quesadilla or a beef quesadilla, but they have a chorizo con papas quesadilla? Who orders that? And as if that’s not bad enough, they put both quesadillas on corn tortillas instead of flour tortillas.

Mexican food is so simple. It constantly amazes me when I see the great lengths to which Mexican restaurants in New York will go to screw it up.

9:18 pm , Comments Off on La Frustración

I originally thought the chorus of “Bandages” by Hot Hot Heat was, “blame the jews, blame the jews, blame the jews.” Perhaps I was just paranoid.

Ashleigh’s version was better, though. Apparently she thought he said, “Band of juice, band of juice, band of juice,” which makes even less sense (but, I admit, sounds more like “bandages”).

What did you think he was saying?

6:58 pm Quotes Comments Off on Bandages?

Quite often I’m inspired to write an entry while I’m in the restroom. (You can search the site for the word “toilet” to see what I mean.)

Today, however, I wasn’t.

1:50 pm Comments Off on Toilet


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