This is an experience I’m going to miss when I’m in New York. I’m at Pick Up Stix right now, and all of the employees (as well as most of the customers) are communicating in Spanish.
This is an experience I’m going to miss when I’m in New York. I’m at Pick Up Stix right now, and all of the employees (as well as most of the customers) are communicating in Spanish.
I really enjoy watching High Fidelity whenever it’s on television because Jack Black’s first line–as he walks into Championship Vinyl and hears the new Belle & Sebastian record playing–is “Holy shoot! What the frog is that?”
“Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the war room!”
It’s on TCM right now, uninterrupted, and it’s seriously one of the best movies ever made. It’s simple, poignant, funny, well-acted, well-written… and if you’ve never seen it, you should immediately add it to your NetFlix queue.
I waited over an hour (literally sixty-three minutes) on hold to talk to Samsung’s Level Two Tech Support. When I explained the software bug in the web browser on my Samsung a670, they informed me that they don’t have a working a670 in the office, so they can’t test it.
Remind me not to buy Samsung stock.
Anyway, I explained my complaint: The manual says to hold down the “CLR” button to return to the browser home page, but when I hold down the “CLR” button, it does nothing at all. After talking with his supervisor, the tech support guy told me, “it’s a misprint.”
Remind me not to buy Samsung phones.
Does this ever happen to you? I cooked some cup-o-noodles, poured some Diet Coke, and then stirred the Diet Coke.
Remember the time I moved to New York?
Okay, so it hasn’t actually happened yet. But my employer finally gave me permission to move, and they asked me to hurry up and do it as soon as possible. In their estimation, that’s November 1.
This begs the question, anyone wanna buy some furniture?
Indie 103.1 is celebrating the life of Johnny Ramone by playing nothing but Ramones all evening. I’ve been listening for about an hour now, and I’ve known almost every song. Apparently I’ve always been a big fan of the group but didn’t know it.
Marchy and I decided it would be cool if someone compiled a book of Broadway pranks. It would be full of anecdotes from Broadway actors, much like Making It on Broadway. However, instead of telling stories of life in New York, the actors would recount stories of pranks or bloopers onstage and offstage during shows.
For instance, if Musical Theatre West’s Les Miserables: School Edition were a Broadway show, we’d include the tale of Alex falling in battle and then whispering, “I got shot in the spleen!”
I just ate a salt bagel, so I’m now surrounded by a veritable quarry of salt on the floor of my cubicle. If only it were gold instead of salt. *Sigh*
“Welcome to the part of the mall that smells like feet,” a large sign above me should have said.
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