Kohl’s has stuffed hedgehogs for only $5 each, and the proceeds go to charity. So the only question is, how many hedgehogs do I want?

They’re great for throwing at people. They even curl up into a furry little ball.

You know what’s even more fun, though? Stuffed animals at the dollar store. I went to a dollar store in La Habra, for instance, that had meerkats (they’re sort of like prairie dogs) for $1 each.

Because really, how fabulous would it be to have thirty meerkats?

2:31 pm Comments Off on Hedgehog!

I went to Kohl’s yesterday. All of the mannequins had paper signs which read “DO NOT INVENTORY” taped to their arms. I suppose it was easier to photocopy dozens of “DO NOT INVENTORY” signs and Scotch tape them to all of the mannequins than to just make a general announcement to the employees about excluding mannequins from inventory.

2:06 pm Observations Comments Off on Don’t Even THINK of Doing Inventory Here

“I’m going to see the new Harry Potter movie,” I told my mom.

“Who are you going with?”

“Ashleigh, David, and Stephie. You don’t know them.”

“Is Ashleigh your girlfriend?”

My mom is so cool like that. And as my brother pointed out, she didn’t even ask if Stephie (or David, for that matter) was my girlfriend. She knew it was Ashleigh. And how did she know? Because she’s my mom, that’s how.

9:06 am Comments Off on My Mom’s Mom-Sense

Amie and I stalked Amanda and Amanda at Fry’s yesterday. We knew they were at Fry’s because they got lost several times and called me twice to ask for directions.

So Amie and I crept through the aisles Mission-Impossible-style, and we finally found them near the video accessories. We hid behind a pile of VCRs and pretended to be comparing the [exactly-the-same] boxes as employees walked by.

“Oh, I like this color,” Amie chimed in, crouched behind the pile of identical boxes.

“This one feels good,” I added, lifting a box slightly off the pile.

Then we raced over to the cell phone accessory aisle so we could have a side view of our prey. Of course, soon after we entered the cell phone accessory aisle, Amanda and Amanda walked down the very same aisle.

So Amie and I stood with our faces buried in the car power adapters, laughed way too loudly, and proclaimed our love for various adapters. Eventually the Amandas noticed us, and the game was sadly over.

Who knew? When I add lots of water to it, the coffee at work is actually halfway decent! And it only needed two packets of blue stuff.

Granted, I’d prefer pink stuff, but they’re out of it. I’d also like some half-and-half, but they only have powdered shit, and I can’t stand powdered shit.

Starbucks needs to start putting their packaged drinks in twelve-ounce aluminum cans. That way I can get a Caramel Frappuccino from the Coke machine.

1:40 pm Comments Off on Coffee Break

I finally have three days off from the insanity of Cabaret. The hell week from hell was topped off by a matinee performance for which both my ASM and my spot right were absent. I filled in for my ASM by running the backstage portion of the show (even though he forgot to leave his notes and I had no idea what needed to be done and when), while the director filled in for part of my job by calling spot cues, and the assistant director ran spot right and kept burning herself.

10:17 am Comments Off on Helll (with three L’s) Week

My new local-best-friend Ash and I have decided it’s our mission to find a black-and-white four-picture photo booth that actually works.

Already, in the past seventy-two hours, we’ve tried Fun Zone and Belmont Park, and we have pictures from both places, but they’re not black-and-white four-picture strips like we want. The one from Fun Zone is a crappy webcam-style single picture, printed on a white sheet of paper using a horrible laser printer, with a tacky-but-amusing “B.F.F.” border on it. The one from Belmont Park is a high-quality four-picture strip, but it’s in color.

And Monday night we managed to find a black-and-white four-picture photo booth at a fifties diner, but it was broken.

So now we’re going to try every boardwalk, amusement park, etc. until we find a working black-and-white four-color photo booth. And along the way we’ll collect all of the non-qualifying pictures (color, one-picture instead of four-picture, computerized, etc.) we can get.

10:15 am Comments Off on Flash… Flash… Flash… Flash…

So really, although the humor is often lowbrow, and the acting is very wink-in-the-camera, I really need to appreciate the brilliance of Mad TV. The one thing they’re really good at is not letting a sketch last too long (like SNL). And really, they have way better ideas than SNL. They just don’t have as good of actors.

Right now I’m watching their commercial for a fake CD, “Gangsta’ Shop Quartet.” It’s rap songs sung by a barber shop quartet. It’s really brilliant.

1:49 pm Comments Off on Mad TV

Almost everyone on my Buddy List has an away message up right now, and I think it would be interesting just to list all of them. If you’re one of those people who likes to do the same weird things that other people have done on their weblogs, feel free to do this too.

What do you dream about when your love is asleep at your side?

Sorry %a, I’m Sleeping……. I’ll Talk To You Later =)

things to do today:-sleep in-lunch with cousin Siobhan, visiting from Oregon-get hair done- facial-hang with the boys-some type of fun tonight-laundry, clean room- SLEEP

im curled up in a little ball softly tucked away in my big comfy bed…alone 🙁 does somebody wanna cuddle?

You know when you work your ass off to make something great, but no matter what you do, nothing changes? yah. I wouldn’t know ANYTHING about that.

Sometimes when I feel like killing someone, I do a little trick to calm myself down. I’ll go over to the person’s house and ring the doorbell. When the person comes to the door, I’m gone, but you know what I’ve left on the porch? A jack-o’-lantern with a knife in the side of its head with a note that says “You.” After that, I usually feel a lot better, and no harm done.

I am away from my computer right now.

I am burnt and itchy. Last day of FINALS tomorrow and then I am free! Call the cell, I am studying till the break of dawn. Then class. THEN A NAP!! Then possibly Mean Girls with KAT. JUST CALL MY EFFIN CELL. kthnx.

I am online, but may be away from my computer.

“the prettiest people do the ugliest things”

Sleeping. Mmmmmmmm sleep.

Stuff. Use Cell.

I’m learing something… I think…


I am currently away from the computer.

12:17 pm Quotes Comments Off on Away Messages

My friends often talk to me about their relationships. Most of the time, I want to help them stay in their relationships. Once in a while, though, I realize that the healthiest thing might be to let them break up. It really saddens me, though. It’s the advice I hate to give. And I always hope that they’ll eventually reconcile.

10:37 am Comments Off on Healthy vs. Happy


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