“Why did it say bear right?”

“Usually that means there’s a fork in the road. Like, bear right at the fork in the road.”

“But… there wasn’t a fork.”

“Maybe the bear took it.”

Now that two of my three kitchen light bulbs have burnt out, I think it’s time to replace all three with fluorescent bulbs. There are already fluorescent lights in my living room, hallway, and bathroom. Once I replace the ones in the kitchen, most of the lights in my apartment (except the ceiling fan lights in the living room and bedroom) will be fluorescent.

2:14 pm Comments Off on Fluorescence

Corner Bakery is catering lunch today at work. And it’s nice that we’re getting a free lunch, but really, did it have to be from Corner Bakery? Anyone who knows me knows I’m not a fan of that place. Even their grilled cheese sandwich is bad, and it’s difficult to screw up a grilled cheese sandwich.

10:23 am Comments Off on No Such Thing as a…

Last night we were blocking a scene between Jeanette and Marina.

Jeanette raised her hand in the air and shook it. “They shake hands?” she asked the director, reading the stage directions in the script.

“No, Jeanette. Shake Marina’s hand. Like, a handshake.”

12:37 pm Quotes Comments Off on Quote of the Day

Someone in my office is eating tuna. At first I thought my computer smelled like tuna for some reason. But no. It’s actual tuna, elsewhere in the office. Phew!

12:24 pm Comments Off on Chicken of the PC

Darn it! I’ve always wanted to see Charade because it stars both Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn (my favorite actor and actress from the 1940’s through 1960’s). And now it’s on AMC, but I can’t watch it because I have rehearsal. Arrgh! It’s definitely going on my Netflix queue immediately.

5:50 pm Comments Off on AMC Is Teasing Me

Have I ever mentioned how much I love Enzyte commercials? Really, they’re amazing.

11:43 pm Comments Off on Natural Male Enhancement

If you go north on Cypress Street through La Habra, drive up into the hills, and then turn right on Avocado Crest Road, you’ll eventually see a lovely view of Orange County to the south. Incidentally, there’s not much room for stopping, so it’s good for aimless driving, but it wouldn’t be good for making out.

2:01 pm Comments Off on La Habra Heights

Last night I watched a bootleg video of Wicked from its first week of previews on Broadway. It was interesting to realize how much, and in what ways, the show had matured between the date of the bootleg and the date when I saw the show live (about two weeks ago). There were obviously a lot of singing and acting choices that were still being tested out during previews. For the record, I’m supportive of the final choices, not the ones on the video.

10:56 am Comments Off on Norbert, What Were You Thinking?

I went to Tiger Heat for the first time last night. It was definitely the most fun I’ve ever had at a club.

I went with Chelsey, Mike, Hayley, Jeremy, and Jeremy’s friends Brittany and Annelle. Needless to say, I also ran into a large number of people I know, including Dennis, Billy, Joel, and Mikey. I was hoping to see Anthony there too, but I’m not sure if he even went.

When I ran into Billy, he was all, “Are you… [long pause]?”

And I was all, “No, I’m just here with friends.” And he was relieved to hear that, I think. Anything else would be shocking to anyone who knows me well.

Tiger Heat is much nicer and cleaner than other clubs I’ve been to, and I felt that most of the people there came for (in my humble opinion) the right reason–to dance–instead of the wrong reason–to hook up with strangers. That, more than anything, made it a great club.

11:13 am Comments Off on Tiger Heat


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