A record number–nine different people–contacted me last night to hang out, but I was in a production meeting all night. Why am I only popular when I’m busy? Now that I think about it, I suspect that people would be much better at synchronizing their schedules if psychology weren’t a factor.
When they started talking about evacuation in the event of a water landing, I swear I heard exactly this:
“These slides may also be used as rats.”
And then, as if that wasn’t funny enough, they followed up with this:
“Large live rats are also on board.”
Yesterday was superb in the life of me. I don’t know what it was exactly, but I had an elated feeling all day long. I got a lot accomplished, and everything turned out wonderfully.
It’s prob’ly because I “drafted” John Lackey for my Fantasy Baseball team. Yeah, that’s gotta be it. Good old John Lackey. I’m so into sports. Okay, I’m shutting up now.
My horoscope for today:
A fortunate change of circumstances… could have a positive impact on your life at this time, dear Aquarius. This situation could, however, involve a lot of adjustments, not to mention hard work. At times you could feel overwhelmed and somewhat intimidated by these developments; it is best to ignore these feelings, dear Aquarius, and push on. Don’t expect immediate results; however, they will come. Hang on to your optimism.
So apparently when I go to PJ’s Abbey in my PJs today (that’s my lunch plan; isn’t it brilliant?), I should order something new instead of the Reuben.
My sister and I went to the Apple Store yesterday to play with the iPod mini because she’s thinking about buying one. We both love the sleek, minimalist design of all things Apple, and we both appreciate their ingenuity most of the time, but we agreed that the iPod mini, surprisingly, isn’t very easy to use. The user interface is kind of counter-intuitive. Still, it’s undeniably cool, and if she gets one, I’ll be undeniably jealous.
Is it just me, or are the new Alessi Handheld Vacuum Cleaner and Alessi Mami Pressure Cooker extremely phallic and yonic, respectively? Alessi has always been known for smooth, round design and clean lines, but I think their new catalog is almost capable of replacing the now-defunct A&F Quarterly.
In case you’ve ever wanted to build your own
theme park, you’re now one step closer. Someone took the trouble to figure out most of the fonts (actually, typefaces) used in the parks. You can view the list at mickeyavenue.com.
Kaitlyn, Jeremy, and Anthony thought that the church parking lot in Silverado Canyon was extremely scary (even though there wasn’t fog), but that the Five Crowns wasn’t even remotely creepy. What gives?
At some point past midnight, a group of us decided to break into the Noguchi Garden, which is gated off at midnight every night. We stood in front of the giant gate and assessed the situation. Not all of us would be able fit under it, and it would be very difficult to scale. Then Vince made a discovery.
“It’s unlocked, you guys.”
In December of 1912, the following amendment to the Constitution was introduced by a representative from Georgia:
“Intermarriage between negros or persons of color and Caucasians… within the United States… is forever prohibited.”
I don’t think I need to say anything else.
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