Maile and I dined at the Olive Garden in Cypress last night. For some reason, both the host and the waitress really loved us. The host stayed and talked to us for five minutes or so after he seated us, and he and Maile bonded over the turmoils of being a host. The waitress loved us too, and she said we were “nice ‘n easy” (like the hair dye). We decided that Maile is “nice” and I’m “easy.”

10:26 am Comments Off on Nice ‘n Easy

Last night after the American Idol concert, Nicki and her friends Gary and Kelli were bored and looking for something to do. They called me for ideas, so I read them my entire list of “Things To Do When There’s Nothing To Do.” Well, they liked number twenty, “Scavenger Hunt,” so they challenged me to come up with a list while they were on their way over to my apartment.

Here’s the “List of Things to Get” that I came up with:

1. A moose
2. The Queen of England
3. An American flag
4. A postage stamp
5. A striped sock
6. Your mom
7. The autograph of a famous person
8. V.D.
9. Another moose
10. The Anaheim Angels
11. A smurf
12. Something old
13. Something new
14. Something borrowed
15. Something blue (besides a smurf)
16. A Christmas ornament
17. A Christmas tree
18. Gravy
19. Jesus
20. Gum

Since there were only four of us, we decided to go together to get the things on the list instead of splitting up into teams. In that respect, it wasn’t truly a Scavenger Hunt. That’ll have to happen some other time when I’m hanging out with more people. Also, we decided to make it a Pictorial Scavenger Hunt, meaning that instead of obtaining the actual objects, we’d just have to get photos of the objects. Thank goodness, because live moose are quite heavy and surprisingly expensive these days. You can imagine the horror of having to cart around two of them in Nicki’s Civic.

Anyway, our first stop was obviously a twenty-four hour Sav-On. Almost every item was either there at Sav-On or already in possession of one of the other three people (including “Your Mom,” because Nicki had a picture of her mom with her). So after spending an hour or so in Sav-On, and then visiting some other nearby locations in Newport Beach, all we had left was item number two, “The Queen of England.”

Now, I was hoping we could just find some Canadian currency somewhere, because that has pictures of the Queen on it. But we couldn’t think of anyplace where we could get Canadian currency at one o’clock in the morning. We called some friends, but they didn’t have any.

Next we tried going to Fashion Island, thinking that although the Barnes & Noble would be closed, we might still be able to find a book of British Royalty in the window or something. That didn’t happen. We couldn’t even get near the bookstore because large parts of the parking lot were blocked off. So we gave up on Fashion Island.

Nicki suggested downloading a picture of the Queen off the internet, but Kelli and I informed her that using the internet would definitely be considered cheating in a Pictorial Scavenger Hunt.

After that we drove to Laguna Beach to look at the closed art galleries, in the hope that one would have British crap in it. None did.

We also tried several different newspapers and tabloids at a Shell station, but there was apparently no news about the Royals this week.

Finally I got the idea of going to the Five Crowns Restaurant in Corona Del Mar. It’s the only British restaurant I’ve ever seen, and although it would obviously be closed at two o’clock in the morning, I was hoping it might have a picture of the Queen outside or in one of the windows.

This is when our evening became… creepy.

The Five Crowns looks like an old tudor mansion, sort of like the kind that they visit on “Haunted Hotels” on the Travel Channel. It has stone lions guarding the entrance, an old-fashioned British phone booth out in front, and ivy growing all over the building. Narrow paths lead from the front entrance around to the sides of the house. All of the windows contain lace curtains that you can just barely see through.

There was no one around on PCH at that time of night, and although the building was mostly dark, there were a couple of rooms that were still lit by chandeliers, although very dimly.

We saw two photographs near the entrance, but one was a picture of a guard and the other was a picture of an old manor house.

Gary decided to check out the phone booth. Inside was a phone book, and for some reason he thought that the Queen of England would be listed. There was some kind of dried, red liquid on the cover of the phone book, though, and we weren’t really sure what it was. It kind of resembled… blood. But we laughed it off and continued with our search.

While Gary was at the phone booth, Kelli and Nicki decided to walk all the way around the side of the building to a room with its lights on. This room was some kind of wine cellar, and they took one look in the window and decided to give up and move on. The Queen of England obviously wasn’t in there.

Then Kelli, Nicki, and I came upon the corner room.

The lights in the corner room were very dimly lit, and the lace curtains were almost completely shut, leaving only a crack to peer through. Kelli and Nicki climbed through the bushes to get as close to the window as possible, while I went around to the other side of the room to try and look through the other window.

Sure enough, on the walls of this room, there were old etchings and drawings of past members of the Royal Family.

As I leaned in to get a closer look (and to try and figure out how I would shoot a photograph of the far side of the room through the window and the lace curtains), Kelli screamed, “Nicki!.”

It sounded to me like a scream of “A figure just walked into the room and is heading toward the window.”

I ran back around to the side where Nicki and Kelli had been standing, and I quickly realized that the scream had actually occurred because Kelli had spotted a very large black widow spider, which was quickly descending toward Nicki’s head as she stood in the bushes by the window. Nicki screamed also and hopped back onto the path. Gary came out of the phone booth to find out what was going on. At that point they stood back and noticed the huge spider web which was covering the entire window, and which Nicki had almost destroyed with her hands and face as she had leaned in.

We took a moment to recover from the discovery of the giant spider and its web. Everything was quiet, and then we were shocked by a sudden, loud, hissing noise that came from right behind Gary. Kelli screamed and reached over to grab Nicki’s arm, but she accidentally grabbed Nicki’s boob instead, and Nicki also screamed. The hissing sound was just the sprinklers starting, but it had scared us pretty well.

Kelli and I decided we couldn’t get close enough to the spider web window to take a decent picture of the etchings, so instead we had to take one through the side window (the one which I had been investigating). Gary and Nicki stood watching the spider and made some more attempts to take pictures with their cameraphones through the front window, while Kelli and I walked back around to the side.

When we walked back to the side window, we noticed that a single dinner fork had been placed on the window sill. Its presence there was completely unexplained, and it put us even more on edge than before.

Both Kelli and I had digital cameras, so we tried to take pictures through the window of the Queen of England’s head, which was in the middle of a very large etching on the wall. We took them with and without flashes and at different angles, but it was very difficult to get the far wall illuminated without getting a glare from either the glass or the lace curtains (which were mostly in the way). Finally Kelli got a shot in which she could see “something,” and then her battery died. Then I tried one more time to line up a shot through the separation in the curtains, using the flash, and I finally took a picture in which I could faintly make out the Queen’s head.

“I got it!” I yelled out, and we ran back around to the front of the building, grabbed Gary (whose cameraphone had just died) and Nicki (who couldn’t get any of the photos to come out on her cameraphone), and booked it to the car. As we approached the car, we heard a whirring sound start inside the Five Crowns. We got into the car as quickly as we could, and as the sound grew louder, we sped away.

We went to Denny’s. I looked at my picture of the Queen, and sure enough, if I zoomed in enough, I could see her there on the wall, albeit very faintly. Kelli realized she suddenly had enough power left in her battery to look at the pictures we’d taken, and in the picture she’d taken just before her battery had mysteriously “died,” we could make out some kind of ghostly image on the wall… but it wasn’t the Queen. It was just… something.

Needless to say, I want to return to the Five Crowns sometime and maybe even have dinner there. And if possible, I’d like to sit in the corner room. The one that’s always dimly lit, even when the rest of the place is dark. The one with pictures of past members of the Royal Family on the walls. The one with the fork.

5:47 pm Comments Off on The Scavenger Hunt

There’s a huge Easter Bunny that’s been lying on my desk, wrapped in plastic, since Easter. My employer handed them out just before Easter, but I was out on vacation, so I didn’t get mine until after, when I had no chance of actually using it or giving it to you (cuz, you know, it’s a bunny). So it lay in its bag untouched.

Yesterday I arrived at my desk in the morning to find my Easter Bunny sitting in my chair working on my computer. This freaked me out at first, but I picked up the Easter Bunny and moved him to a corner of my desk, where I propped him up in a sitting position so he could watch me work.

Today I noticed (after about fifteen minutes of sitting at my desk) that the Easter Bunny has acquired a lei, a visor, and an ice cream pop cone.

This is starting to get creepy.

9:20 am Comments Off on The Easter Bunny Likes… Mischief?

I went to Denny’s (on Euclid) and bowling (at Lindbrook Bowl, which is open twenty-four hours) with several members of the cast last night. It was a very good thing. Hopefully this show will be a pre-packaged ready-to-serve social life, which is exactly what I want from a show. I think the catalysts are that we have rehearsal almost every night and a cast that’s at least somewhat close in age.

9:20 am Comments Off on Four Drinks, Hash Browns, and an English Muffin

The T-Mobile hotspot in this Starbucks is really weak. Fortunately there’s another (independent, possibly privately owned) hotspot somewhere outside the Starbucks, and I’m stealing my internet access from that right now because it’s giving off a much stronger signal. So I’d like to give a shout-out to whoever is running a wireless access point near the Starbucks on Birch Street in Brea. Thanks for the access, pal. If you’re ever in Costa Mesa, I’ll hook you up.

4:46 pm Comments Off on Tepid Spot

When something angers Deirdre, she says that it “tickles [her] hate organ.” I absolutely loved that expression, which she must have stolen from some anonymous source. Later in the conversation, though, Amanda was tickling Deirdre’s feet, and Deirdre complained that she hates it when people tickle her feet. So we decided that Deirdre’s “hate organ” is her foot (or feet), and from now when something angers her, she needs to say that it tickles her feet.

4:45 pm Comments Off on Deirdre’s Feet

I saw Nicole today at DCA. She walked by me and I was saying, “Nicole? Nicole?” until finally a friend of hers said, “Nicole, someone’s calling you,” and she turned and pretended to be excited to see me.

4:44 pm Comments Off on Nicole

A recent outing at Starbucks gave me insight into the nature of coolness.

I went to starbucks with three other people. We got our drinks and sat down in the big, comfy chairs. I brought in my laptop because I needed to do some work, but after trying for a few minutes, I realized that the wireless connection in this particular Starbucks wasn’t strong enough to work if I was seated in the front of the store.

I promptly moved my hazelnut latte and my laptop to another table further back in the store, near the queue. This is when the coolness began. Because my friends were in the front of the store and I was in the rear, they kept coming over and saying things to me and then returning to the front of the store. To the customers in line, it looked as though I had come alone but that a lot of people who came into the store knew me. This gave me an ora of coolness.

Mike came over and kissed me on the forehead and told me he was leaving. Amanda walked by me on her way to the restroom and said, “Hey, stop checking me out,” and then laughed. And each time something like this happened, the customers in line saw me as almost a celebrity. It must have looked as though I (and my friends in the front of the store) were regulars who came in all the time. After all, if we happened to be there at the same time but in separate groups, the logical conclusion was that we must be there quite often and that this was a coincidental meeting.

So if you want to be cool, or more specifically if you want to “take over” a hangout and make it your own, the trick is to split up into groups and sit separately. Your imminent movement around the store and interaction with “other groups” will make you seem cool to those who don’t know you.

Of course, those who do know you will still know you’re uncool. I’ll have to figure out a solution for that one later.

11:54 am Comments Off on Starbucks Rats

Tonight I went to the callbacks for Anything Goes. I’m not a tap dancer, so I can only be a lead in it. Obviously I’d be good as Moonface Martin, but I also wanted to try for Evelyn because he’s usually done as a character role as well.

The funny thing is, they also had me read for Billy (the romantic lead) a whole lot. It was weird, and at first I thought they just wanted me to read for the hell of it, but then I realized they were actually considering me for the part. In fact, there were only a couple other guys they were looking at. Now, I still don’t think I got the part of Billy, but I’m proud of myself because I think I did a good job reading for it. I used really strong eye contact with the girl reading Hope (it was easy–she was cute), I made the lines feel real and not contrived, and I actually got the audience to go “Awww!” when my character was rejected and laugh when my character joked.

I still don’t think I’ll get Billy; I’m much shorter than the other guys and I’m more suited to other roles. But it made me feel good to read for it. It’s nice to think that the directors actually saw me as a possibility for a romantic lead; it means I might not be stuck in character roles forever. That would be nice.

11:43 pm Comments Off on “And Though I’m Not a Great Romancer…”

I’m watching Saturday Night Fever. Despite the ridiculous dancing and the ridiculous way that everyone is so serious about dancing, it’s actually a very good movie. As a family and relationship piece, it’s almost on par with a Neil Simon script, although it’s a drama and not a comedy, and the characters are simple instead of intellectual. The important thing is that the characters are realistic and easy to sympathize with, and their interactions (within the family at least) are very familiar.

I really don’t think it’s a movie about dancing at all. To me, the theme of the movie has more to do with optimism. John Travolta’s character decides to be worthy, not just as a dancer and a lover, but also as a human being. The thing is, he has to struggle against his own ignorance and cockiness to achieve this. His ignorance and cockiness are his obstacles. It’s an interesting idea. I like it.

3:58 pm Comments Off on “You make it with some of these chicks, they think you gotta dance with them.”


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