I just got great customer service from AT&T Wireless. Normally I get horrible customer service from every company with which I do business, but AT&T Wireless is often an exception–especially today.
I bought my new wireless phone at the end of August, and the price was higher than I would have liked, but it’s a cool phone. I got it because I wanted to upgrade to their new voice and data network, which they had just begun offering in Southern California a few days prior. Then, a couple of weeks later, I noticed they were offering a fifty dollar rebate on the phone.
I called AT&T Wireless to find out if I was eligible for the rebate based on the date when I bought the phone (which was a possibility). Unfortunately, I had bought the phone too early. Then, without my even asking, the woman on the phone did some looking around, and she found out that I was eligible for “loyal customer” status. So she gave me a fifty dollar “loyal customer” service credit. Not only did I get the fifty dollars, but I also saved myself the hassle of filling out a rebate form, mailing it in, and waiting six to eight weeks for a check!
So yeah, I’m really happy with AT&T Wireless right now. They exhibited concern for customer satisfaction, and I really appreciate that. Now if only AT&T Broadband was the same way…
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