Don’t ever let anyone tell you that Microsoft lacks support for its products.

The Microsoft Knowledge Base, a searchable database of problems and solutions in Microsoft products, can help you with even the most complex issues that may arise while using Microsoft software.

Meanwhile, the automated service known as Windows Update keeps your computer running in top condition by installing important software updates for issues found in your version of Windows.

Yea Microsoft!

9:50 am Comments Off on Microsoft Support

It’s a Friday night and I’m home alone with nothing to do.

So… inspired by Traci, because I was bored but wanted to get out of the house, I randomly drove up PCH to Huntington Harbor, and then I drove back on MacFadden. It was aimless. Then I decided to go looking for treasures at TJ Maxx & More here in Costa Mesa, so I spent about an hour browsing there. The clothing there isn’t very exciting, but they have a huge section of “Home Fashion” which is a bunch of large, gawdy, tacky knick-knacks, like ship helms, cow figurines, frog statues, boxes that look like books, African masks, etc. It would be a fun place to get a really useless gift.

Then I went home, and Traci called, and we talked for a few minutes. And then Stephanie, finally back from visiting her sugar-daddy– er, I mean, her friend– in Venice, came over and we went to Regatta for dinner. My friend Amy Rose (who’s in Pirates with me) was working, and it was fun talking to her and watching her sing.

After that Steph and I were supposed to go to Ruby’s to visit Amie and get dessert, but Steph decided she had too much homework to do, so she went straight home.

So now I’m home alone again, but Amie gets off work at 11pm and then she and I are planning to go cause mischief in West Orange County. We bought a rosary-shaped air freshener the other night (it’s seriously an air freshener cross on a string of air freshener beads), and we’re going to go hang it in Jonathan’s car.

Apparently hundreds of protestors complained that the new line of Asian-themed shirts from Abercrombie & Fitch were racist and offensive.

You can check out this news story to learn more about both sides of the issue before reading on, and you can see the whole line on this site if you’d like to judge them for yourself.

Last week, before the controversy erupted, I purchased a “Buddah Bash” shirt from the local Abercrombie & Fitch store. I didn’t buy it because I wanted to “perpetuate racist stereotypes of Asian-Americans,” but rather because I thought it was funny and cute. I like Buddah. I like Buddah imagery. And I like the pun of saying “Get your Buddah on the floor” instead of “Get your booty on the floor.”

Of course, immediately after they were pulled off the shelves, people started selling the banned shirts on eBay. Then eBay decided to cancel all auctions of these shirts. The auctions aren’t illegal, but eBay prohibits auctions that “promote or glorify hatred, violence, or racial intolerance.”

Okay, I’m not Asian-American, so I’d prob’ly feel differently if, for instance, they sold shirts with big-nosed Jews hoarding money. Therefore, I’m not angry at the protestors. They have every right to feel offended and to demand action from the retailer. And I’m not angry at Abercrombie & Fitch either. They didn’t mean to offend anyone, so when they did offend someone, they took corrective action. That was nice of them.

However, I am angry at eBay. If the company who made the shirts doesn’t want to sell them in light of protests, that’s their choice. But eBay didn’t make the shirts, and eBay doesn’t sell the shirts. And if eBay is going to stop these auctions because they are “racist,” shouldn’t they also stop auctions of, for instance, The Sopranos merchandise and videos, which portray Italian-Americans as gun-toting mafiosos? Shouldn’t they stop auctions of the book Huckleberry Finn because of its obvious racist content?

I think eBay is dealing with some freedom-of-speech issues here. And in the process, they’re only driving up the value of these banned shirts. Frankly, now I wish I’d bought more of them. Does anyone else agree that eBay crossed the line here? If I don’t think the shirts are offensive, is it still a hate crime if I try to buy or sell one?

1:06 pm Comments Off on Two Wongs

It’s a creepy day.

When I arrived at work this morning, the parking lot was half empty (usually I have to park in one of the last few spots). I checked the clock in my car to see if maybe I had accidentally arrived an hour early or something like that, but it was really nine o’clock.

Then I walked into the office, and as the half-empty (or half-full, for you optimists) parking lot suggested, the office was like a ghost town. In my own department, not a single co-worker was present. Kevin had scheduled a vacation day, and both Ken and Steve had called in sick.

So I’m all alone, and it’s really eerie.

10:14 am Comments Off on Insert Twilight Zone Theme Here

You can run... You can hide... BUT YOU CAN'T ESCAPE MY LOAF!

10:54 am Quotes Comments Off on Enrique Iglesias says…

Because I love Café Pascal, a French café at South Coast Plaza, I decided to try the Champagne French Bakery Café, which is another French café at South Coast Plaza. My mother and I went there for lunch today. I can sum up our experience very simply: The lack of quality in the service was surpassed only by the lack of quality in the food.

1:51 pm Comments Off on Champagne

AT&T sent out an independent contractor today to reinstall all of the outside wiring and inside wiring for my cable television (because I’m not getting the interactive guide, the correct time, or half my channels). The reason they wanted to replace all the cables is that the last guy they sent out said that was the problem.

Well, they just left, and after replacing all the cables, it still doesn’t work. Now I have to wait for AT&T to call me (which could take up to a week, like it did the last time) and set up a third appointment, during which they’ll once again try to figure out what’s wrong. Arrgh!

5:33 pm Comments Off on The Cable Guy

It’s theatre appreciation week here in the world of me.

Last Thursday I went to the final dress rehearsal of Gypsy at APA. It was actually pretty good for a high school show. Katherine was believable as “Louise” and not as annoyingly peppy as usual, and Kellie was amazing as “Mama Rose.” I mean, that girl’s pinky knows more about acting than anyone at APA. The rest of the leads were okay. They weren’t bad like I expected them to be. And Rachel stood out among the three main strippers because of her skills using the light-up hearts on her costume. It was definitely a dress rehearsal, though, considering that the lighting in the show managed to set off the fire alarm in the auditorium halfway through Act I.

Friday night I went to see IVC’s latest disaster, The Good Woman of Setzuan. The show included paper shadow puppets on an overhead projector. Need I say more? It’s one of Ron’s drug-induced ideas: taking a Brecht play (which is bad to start), turning it into a musical, and adding puppets. It’s a great recipe for failure. A few people were noticeably good despite the horrible script and direction of the show, though. Stan (Good Stan), as always, was hilarious in his small role as a god and as “Grandfather.” He’s one of those people who doesn’t have to do anything special to be funny; he just has to be himself. I mean that as a compliment. Paul also did a good job adding excitement to an otherwise boring show, and Theresa (who’s come a long way since playing “Tourist #4” in Guys and Dolls) had several very believable monologues. I was very proud of her. Also worth mentioning was a girl named So

11:20 am Comments Off on Theatre Appreciation Week

Well, I might as well jump on the bandwagon and post a survey just like Maile and Traci did. It seems to be the cool thing to do. So let me go find a survey to take… ah! Here’s one:

  1. Does this question sound familiar?
  2. Does this question sound familiar?
  3. Does this question sound familiar?
  4. Does this question sound familiar?
  5. Does this question sound familiar?
  6. Does this question sound familiar?
  7. Does this question sound familiar?
  8. Does this question sound familiar?
    Yes, already!
  9. Does this question sound familiar?
    For God’s sake, YES!
  10. Does this question sound familiar?
    Listen, I already answered this question. The answer is still YES.
  11. Does this question sound familiar?
    Stupid survey. Yes!
  12. Does this question sound familiar?
  13. Does this question sound familiar?
    I’m tired of typing “Yes.”
  14. Does this question sound familiar?
  15. Does this question sound familiar?
    Listen, retard, what kind of a dumb survey is this anyway?
  16. Does this question sound familiar?
    I’m not answering.
  17. Does this question sound familiar?
  18. Does this question sound familiar?
    Not at all.
  19. Does this question sound familiar?
    Listen, if you’re just going to ask me the same question over and over again, I’m going to stop taking this survey!
  20. Does this question sound familiar?
  21. Does this question sound familiar?
    I swear, I’ll stop.
  22. Does this question sound familiar?
    So… frustrating…
  23. Does this question sound familiar?
  24. Does this question sound familiar?
  25. Does this question sound familiar?
    STOP IT!!!!
  26. Does this question sound familiar?
    Please stop it?
  27. Does this question sound familiar?
    Please. Come on. It’s not funny anymore.
  28. Does this question sound familiar?
  29. Does this question sound familiar?
  30. Does this question sound familiar?
  31. Does this question sound familiar?
  32. Does this question sound familiar?
  33. Does this question sound familiar?
  34. Does this question sound familiar?
    Fuck you. Forget it. That’s the last time I try to take a survey.
  35. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
    Nope, it’s too late. I’m not answering.
  36. Why not?
    Because you’re an ANNOYING BITCH, that’s why not!
  37. Are you a bitch?
  38. Do you have a crush?
    Go away.
  39. Can I ask just one more question?
    Okay, sure.
  40. Hold on, I’m thinking of a really good one…
    Arrrgh! Hurry up!
  41. What color pants are you wearing right now?
11:07 am Comments Off on A Survey

You know how people say that when you go onstage, it’s a lot easier if you imagine that the entire audience is naked? Well, that’s kind of how I feel about life.

5:17 pm Comments Off on Philosophy


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