I’m busy now through Sunday.
Today I’m having lunch with the “We Love David. Isn’t He Cute? Here Kitty Kitty!” Club like I always do on Thursdays. Then after work I’ll go home to get my makeup kit and eat some dinner, and tonight is the final dress rehearsal of Babes in Arms. Then after rehearsal Traci will arrive, and she and Maile and I will prob’ly go to Super K-mart Center to get birthday presents for Amie.
Tomorrow I’m taking a vacation day from work, but Molly Maid is coming at eight o’clock in the morning to clean my apartment. I also have to do some laundry Friday morning, and then Friday afternoon Maile and I are going to see a matinee of Monsters, Inc. (because we want to see the new Harry Potter trailer and the first Episode II teaser). Friday night is opening night of Babes in Arms, and then after the show I’m having my audience members (and a couple of cast members) over to my house for a slumber party.
Saturday I need to get a gift for Leonard’s birthday. I already got him a card, but I need to think of a gift as well. Also on Saturday, Amie’s taking her driving test, and hopefully when she’s done she’ll pick me up and we’ll go play with her new car. That night we have a performance, after which we’re going to a birthday party for her and Leonard at Dave’s house.
Sunday we have a matinee performance, and then hopefully I’ll get to sleep the rest of the day.
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